For Me

For Me

I have come to the point in my life that I Love almost everyone, almost all of the time.

Some people I don’t love some of the time, as I am still learning to Love Unconditionally. It is part of my Practice of Awakening.

It may seem a little obvious, but I have noticed that being in a State of Love, where I Love Everybody and Everything, feels a lot better than not loving someone or something.

And I find that it is really quite impossible to Love Myself Unconditionally unless I am Loving Others Unconditionally, too. That much Love only comes from a Loving State of Being, from being Consumed by Love, from Choosing Love above all else.

So when I choose to Love others, to be Gracious and Care about them, to go out of my way to be Generous to them, to be Helpful and Kind to them, it isn’t just for them.

It’s for Me, too.

I Love Them so I can Love Myself.


Would you rather be Consumed by Love, or consumed by something else? How much Love are you spreading around today?

Suggested Exercise: Try Loving Unconditionally for a few hours today. Love Everyone and Everything and see how it feels. Do it for Yourself.

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